Wisdom of the past illuminating the future
Grounded in the French tradition of Légèreté or lightness, combined with decades of work with troubled horses, Willow Grove will support you and your horse on the path to balance, symmetry, mobility, and flexibility. In a word: wellness.
Like any art, riding takes education, time, and practice. However, if the theory behind the education is faulty, you will become frustrated and discouraged. With an education distilled through centuries combined with current science, the horse and rider come to understand the way forward, step by step.
Riding and working with horses should be as beneficial to the horse as it is to the rider. This includes improving a horse’s understanding, balance, symmetry, flexibility, and mobility all while maintaining the horse’s well-being. Excellence in education should lead to the ability to pursue almost any activity together through physical preparation and the development of an in-depth, clear language between horse and rider.
“I know what it’s like to be frustrated, to not understand how to go forward or what the next step is to my goals. I’ve worked tirelessly to learn methods that are horse-friendly, understandable, and applicable to all activities. I want to teach you what I wish I’d known years ago.” -Linda Kaye